Slovenian Government has just announced an additional lift of covid precautions, and this made our decision final...MetalDays -The Weekend of Solace will be held in Tolmin on 29.07.-31.07.2021 at the MetalDays 2nd stage area.
"As of Monday, restaurants will be able to open longer, there will be fewer restrictions on events, and even nightclubs and discos will open. But they can only operate until midnight, and the condition is “RVT”: Recovered, Vaccinated, Tested (negative). The test shall not be older than 48 hours. Seats at concerts are no longer mandatory, but again an “RVT” condition and a meter between visitors are mandatory."
After last summer without MetalDays, meeting some of you again will be just amazing, do you agree? The lineup is in making and we are happy with the development. The first bands will be announced soon!
RESERVATIONS! Even though this is a tiny event, it does produce a lot of costs that can’t be ignored. We need at least 2000 attendees at the ticket price of 79€ (camping, and parking included) just to cover the costs. After losing 2 MetalDays editions, Winter Days of Metal, and Headbanger’s Holiday we are broke, and can’t lose any more money.
We are collecting the reservations until July 1st. It is an easy thing; 2000 or more reservations mean we party. Less than 2000 mean we are not doing it. You can make a reservation at the following link: https://shop.metaldays.net/produkte/34627-tickets-metaldays-tba-am-29-07-2021
After July 1st, everybody that reserved the ticket will have a 2-day window to buy tickets with this reservation. All that reserved tickets will be informed via e-mail about the sale start. After the set date, all tickets will be on sale for everybody, so make sure not to miss the payment. MetalDays -The Weekend of Solace is limited to 5000 visitors.
There are 311 reservations already made. This is just great!!! We thank you all for your trust!
IMPORTANT! Please reserve only if you are 100% sure you're going to attend the MetalDays - The Weekend of Solace. Please don’t mislead us. It is important for us to be sure about how many of you will come. We really can’t afford to lose more money.…and now, off to the reservations…we need 2000 or more!
Regarding MD 2022, the tickets for MD 2022 are sold out!